My name is Ann Williams – yes, that’s the inspiration for this blog’s name – Ann Will Travel. I was born in 1953, so just about made it into the hippie era of the late 1960s and early 70s. If I have one regret in life, it is that I didn’t travel overland to India during that time. I did travel elsewhere, however: overland to Morocco, a year on a kibbutz in Israel and I fell deeply in love with the Greek islands.
I’m a places person, not a people person – which is probably why I am a geography graduate. I lived in Hong Kong for almost 30 years, and am now retired in Thailand. I love to sketch when I’m travelling, so don’t miss my travel sketches page.
My love of travelling has a lot to do with my dad. History, geology, architecture and archaeology fascinated him. He travelled extensively for his work (he was an engineer), and I still have many of the picture postcards he sent back from places such as Venezuela and Tanganyika, Brazil and Norway. Oh, and he bought back really cool jewellery for me and for mum!
Mum died just over a decade into his retirement and travelling became a big solace to him – he loved planning a trip as much as he loved being on the road, and his trips included India, Syria twice, northern Cyprus, the Azores, Cambodia, as well as regular trips, utilising the computer program route he wrote himself, to his beloved France. He and I were planning to visit the Roman and Carthaginian ruins of Tunisia (he’d visited the Libyan Roman sites in the 1950s) when he died unexpectedly in February 2010.
Thanks, Powell, for your inspiration and encouragement… you’ll be pleased to know that I’m still travelling, and your mini binoculars accompany me on every trip!